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I have urges!!!!

Hi All,

Hope everybody is having as much fun as I am. I want to tell you what your girl has been up to.

I started my weekend at a private party at the Fetch Shop.

This gallery of photos by: Linda McNally Photography

It was the 2nd anniversary of this store which embraces the pup luxury lifestyle. This store is one of my favorites and too bad it is soo far away but the good news is you can shop on the web and their fabulous web site is full of options (which is the way I love to shop -- paws don't have to leave the house -- click and send.)

Lots of treats, human food, wine, photo ops, shopping and even a raffle drawing to benefit Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Yorkie 911. I walked the red carpet, took lots of pics with my friends, found a really cute striped t-shirt (the rage for all pups on Instagram -- you must get one to get more likes LOL) and I just tried to network with some of the pups I didn't know. (I am a natural born schmoozer like my mom). I am sorry to say I didn't meet any new guys but the humans were all over me so I got lots of attention (which as you know I need and love).

Saturday July 29, 2017

My Bffs Diva Tomasa, Bella, Hammy and Brody showed us around and we had a cool Huntington Fun Day. #pawsuphuntington Yes, I had to go to Huntington two days in a row; the Momager refused to drive. I am getting very familiar with the LIRR. This is how it went --- We met at Fetch -- I scored a really cute dress (ok Mom the clothing detox is officially over), more food, fun, live streaming on FB and then we went to Coindre Hall -- ran off-leash (I wore my new striped tee -- a girl can't just run naked in front of her fashionista friends). And, we kept going and going and going down the hill, dodging mud until we ran onto a BEACH, yes a beach -- I am not a fan of water or sand, you know my hair, my nails so I stay away at all costs but the sun was shining, the boats looked so pretty it was perfect and of course more photos and then we all climbed up and posed on the lifeguard station -- we definitely drew a crowd and made a statement.

Now -- time for dinner. Now my "urges".

We go to the fabulous Almarco Italian Grill restaurant, all my friends are napping in their strollers or on their moms' laps and I am wired. What is it with me and food? As tired as my paws were -- I mean I really ran around like I was being chased by a hot pup. I could not relax; the scent of various foods were filling the air and my nose and every muscle in my body was waiting to pounce on my meal. The moms ordered chicken cutlets for us -- well I was totally out of control -- I mean I am totally embarassed -- some of the pups and their moms never saw me likes this. Sure, they see my photos, where I am poised and my Runway sprints but really did I have to almost walk across the table to get more chicken. I mean the momager was feeding me chicken and I am embarrassed to say I think I ate the most, even Buttercup and Lukas were chill -- what is wrong with me? I almost had to be restrained!!! On no could I be pregnant, could I have a thyroid problem, could I be addicted to food -- oh no not another behavioral problem -- I just got off the clothing detox and now this!!!! How can I be civilized in public -- I may have to go for counseling again! The momager is still not over the humiliation of it all!!! She is threatening a muzzle!!

One More Thing

Don't forget the Magnolia Masquerade Ball in September -- tickets are available. I am getting into Runway shape, and practicing my pageant wave/smile. But, I better behave at the dinner or the momager will have a breakdown!

Don't forget the bitches are not always the dogs!!!!

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